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Anatomy: Home

This guide will help you locate and use anatomy information resources from the School of Medicine Library, the USC University Libraries, and beyond.

Vesalius Image

Tertia Musculorum Tabula
Vesalius, Andreas
From "Images from the History of Medicine (NLM)"
See the Databases tab for links to Image Collections


Welcome to the USC School of Medicine Library's subject guide for Anatomy!

This guide is intended to help you navigate library services, find a book, locate a journal or article, navigate a database, utilize evidence-based practice resources, and find quality sites on the Internet.  Please feel free to leave comments and suggestions, or email me directly. 

The tabs across the top of the page will help you navigate between topics.

Have questions or need assistance?

Please contact me, your Library Liaison, with any questions you might have (see contact info in the box to the right).

As the liaison, I am able to assist you with:

  • Database & literature searching
  • Answering reference questions
  • Tracking down full-text materials
  • Group or one-on-one instruction