- The interdisciplinary approach is based on the belief that the contribution and collaboration of all team members is essential to appropriately address the complex issues of people with developmental disabilities or special health care needs and their families (Helm et al., 2010).
- The SC UCEDD refers to our interns as “trainees” to include multiple levels of educational and programmatic experience. Many of our trainees may also be referred to as “interns” or “practicum students.”
- "Trainee is the term used to refer to any individual receiving preservice training or continuing education at an AUCD member program –a University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD), Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities (LEND), or a Eunice Kennedy Shriver Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Center (IDDRC). There are over 4,000 new trainees each year across the AUCD network of Centers and programs who come from a variety of backgrounds, such as audiology, disability studies, education, engineering, family, genetics, health administration, instructional technology, law & ethics, medicine, nursing, nutrition, occupational therapy, pastoral counseling, pediatrics, pediatric dentistry, physical therapy, psychology, public health, social work, and speech-language pathology, just to mention a few. Trainees might be undergrad students, grad students, post-docs, or community fellows. They might be called a student, trainee, or fellow at your Center or program. Traineeships at an AUCD member Center or program might last as little as one semester or as long as 4 years. Regardless of the differences, all AUCD trainees desire to learn about and work with individuals with developmental and other disabilities and their families." (AUCD Trainee Welcome Guide, 2010).
- AUCD Interdisciplinary Training Resources:
Interdisciplinary Training Guide 4th Edition, 2010
Interdisciplinary Training Resources
Citation source: Helm, D., Holt, J., Conklin, K., Pariseau, C., & Pearson, S. (2010). Interdisciplinary training guide - AUCD. Interdisciplinary Training Guide. Retrieved March 10, 2022, from https://www.aucd.org/docs/councils/ntdc/2010_id_guide_web.pdf