Center for Disability Resources (CDR)

Center for Disability Resources (CDR)

UCEDD Trainees

What is Interdisciplinary Training?

  • The interdisciplinary approach is based on the belief that the contribution and collaboration of all team members is essential to appropriately address the complex issues of people with developmental disabilities or special health care needs and their families (Helm et al., 2010).
  • The SC UCEDD refers to our interns as “trainees” to include multiple levels of educational and programmatic experience.  Many of our trainees may also be referred to as “interns” or “practicum students.”
  • "Trainee is the term used to refer to any individual receiving preservice training or continuing education at an AUCD member program –a University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD), Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities (LEND), or a Eunice Kennedy Shriver Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Center (IDDRC). There are over 4,000 new trainees each year across the AUCD network of Centers and programs who come from a variety of backgrounds, such as audiology, disability studies, education, engineering, family, genetics, health administration, instructional technology, law & ethics, medicine, nursing, nutrition, occupational therapy, pastoral counseling, pediatrics, pediatric dentistry, physical therapy, psychology, public health, social work, and speech-language pathology, just to mention a few. Trainees might be undergrad students, grad students, post-docs, or community fellows. They might be called a student, trainee, or fellow at your Center or program. Traineeships at an AUCD member Center or program might last as little as one semester or as long as 4 years. Regardless of the differences, all AUCD trainees desire to learn about and work with individuals with developmental and other disabilities and their families." (AUCD Trainee Welcome Guide, 2010).
  • AUCD Interdisciplinary Training Resources:
    Interdisciplinary Training Guide 4th Edition, 2010
    Interdisciplinary Training Resources

Citation source: Helm, D., Holt, J., Conklin, K., Pariseau, C., & Pearson, S. (2010). Interdisciplinary training guide - AUCD. Interdisciplinary Training Guide. Retrieved March 10, 2022, from

How does CDR identify potential trainees?

  • The Center for Disability Resources (SC UCEDD) accepts trainees from many different disciplines to ensure the best possible outcome for leadership and direct services.
  • We are currently accepting trainees from University of South Carolina, Columbia College, Winthrop, and SC State University.

What will trainees learn?

  • Over the span of the internship, trainees will learn about UCEDDs and their functions, the importance of Person-Centered Planning, the history of disabilities and the disability rights movement, the services and supports available to people with various intellectual and developmental disabilities, the role of the Developmental Disabilities Network, and much more!
  • This internship opportunity emphasizes the application of theoretical knowledge to practice settings by providing opportunities for advocacy, acquisition of leadership skills, and community networking.

What experiences will trainees have?

  • Trainees will be required to attend a week-long orientation prior to their internship start date
  • Trainees will attend bi-weekly supervision and monthly group supervision
  • Connection to a larger network of UCEDD programs through AUCD
  • Opportunities to attend both in-person and virtual training sessions, webinars, conferences
  • Meeting opportunities at a local, state, and national level
  • Participate in a variety of advocacy events (Disability Advocacy Day at the South Carolina State House, Advocacy Day for Access and Independence, Social Work Advocacy Day, TBI Awareness Events)
  • Depending on which program you are connected with there are opportunities for grant writing exposure and case management exposure
  • Social Work students are required to create a personalized Learning Contract to ensure a rich learning environment that covers the NASW core competencies

What qualifications are required?

  • Passion for learning
  • Ability to commit the time necessary to complete the program
  • Leadership potential
  • Commitment to improving the lives of people with disabilities and their families
  • Good academic standing
  • Applicants must be currently enrolled at one of the colleges or universities previously listed and accepted into one of the following programs:
    -MSW (including advanced standing)
    -Genetic Counseling Masters
    -Speech/Language Pathology

Trainee application form link

Social work field placement brochure

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Trainee Images