Our project resides at Center for Disability Resources which is a University Center for Excellence (UCEDD), within The University of South Carolina - School of Medicine. The CDR is a member of the Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD), a non-profit organization that promotes and supports the national network of university centers on disabilities, which includes University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research, and Service (UCEDD). For more information please visit the AUCD Website or the Administration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AIDD) Website.
TECS provides information and resources that promote congruence of federal law, state policy, evidence-based practices, and service delivery. This focus is supported through the following kinds of activities:
- Researching and reviewing professional literature related to early intervention
- Generating research in topics of interest to early intervention providers
- Disseminating evidence-based practice information and resources
- Contributing to development of early intervention communities of learning
- Developing training modules & resources in multiple formats including on-site workshops, multiple-day institutes, self-paced workbooks & CDs, and other electronic media.
- Coordinating technical assistance events including workshops, clinical seminars, and conferences
- Presenting to state and national professional and parent organizations
- Supporting the Center for Disability Resources Library to ensure that holdings reflect current research and recommended practice in early intervention
- Assisting the state's early intervention system in ensuring that personnel are appropriately and adequately prepared and trained
- Publishing technical assistance documents