Team for Early Childhood Solutions (TECS)

Subscribe to Listserv

girl being held up as if flying

Subscribe to the Listserv
The TECSINFO listserv is a way to share important messages among subscribers who are interested in South Carolina’s Part C early intervention system.  Each posted message is sent to the e-mailbox of every subscriber.  The topic of each message is identified in the subject line, so that subscribers can determine which messages are important for them to open and view.  The following information explains how you can subscribe, update your contact information, unsubscribe, and send messages.


To receive e-mail messages announcing trainings, meetings, and other current information, subscribe to the TECSINFO listserv by using the link below.  Be sure to include the following information:


Subscribe to TECSINFO listserv


To update your contact information, click on the link below, and provide your new e-mail address or name:

Update TECSINFO contact information


To unsubscribe, click on the link below:

Unsubscribe to TECSINFO

Send Listserv messages:

If you have important information to share with other members of the TECSINFO listserv, please send your message directly to Lisa Henry with your request to have the message posted to TECSINFO.