Team for Early Childhood Solutions (TECS)

New Babynet Staff & Providers

woman leaning forehead against boy's forehead

SOUTH CAROLINA PART C Database Enrollment

BabyNet and TECS have recently revised the new hire enrollment process.  TECS and BabyNet State Office have worked together to develop a new online enrollment form for all BabyNet personnel.  This new form combines the information previously gathered from the credential application, provider contract application, and central directory form. We hope this new process will decrease duplication of information and help to streamline many different processes into one.

After new staff are hired or contracted to work in the BabyNet system, there are several requirements that must be completed within a brief time frame.  Staff must first complete the online enrollment form.  After TECS/State Office receives this form, staff will be assigned to required trainings for the credential process and for the BRIDGES data system.  BabyNet State Office will follow up with contracted providers.

Step 1: BabyNet Credential/ BRIDGES Access Form

  • Supervisors should complete the BabyNet Credential/ BRIDGES Access Request Form for new personnel. This one form combines two previous forms. This form captures information for the S.C. BabyNet Part C Credential and for BRIDGES Access. If you need the link to this form, email Lisa Henry at

  • Forms submitted by anyone other than an approved supervisor will be denied, and the appropriate supervisor will be contacted.

  • For SLP-CFYs, interns and assistants must have a supervisor that is affiliated with the company and affiliated in MMIS under the agency.  The Supervisor’s NPI number needs to be entered on forms for SLP-CFYs, interns and assistants. 

Step 2: Required Training

  • Based on information provided in the BabyNet Credential/ BRIDGES Access Request Form, TECS will assign staff to the appropriate required lessons in SCEILS. These lessons are related to the S.C. BabyNet Part C Credential and BRIDGES.

  • If you are not registered in SCEILS or have questions about training, please submit  requests to the TECS Helpdesk.

  • Staff have 90 days to obtain their S.C. BabyNet Part C Credential after receiving login instructions from TECS.

  • TECS recommends staff complete the BRIDGES training first to ensure timely access to BRIDGES.

Step 3: BRIDGES Access

  • BRIDGES trainings must be completed in SCEILS and BabyNet approval from the BabyNet State Office are required before an employee can receive a BRIDGES login. 

  • If TECS discovers training is incomplete, the access request will be denied (see below for instructions on checking training records in SCEILS). 

  • For contracted providers you must be BabyNet approved and affiliated in the Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS) with your agency before you can receive a BRIDGES login.

  • For SLP-CFYs, interns and assistants must have a supervisor that is affiliated with the company and affiliated in MMIS under the agency.  The Supervisor’s NPI number needs to be entered on forms for SLP-CFYs, interns and assistants. 

  • TECS will send BRIDGES login information directly to the appropriate supervisor/agency administrator. The supervisor/agency administrator is responsible for routing this information to their employee.


SCEILS is the online learning management system that contains the required modules/courses to obtain the S.C. Part C Credential.  After receiving the BabyNet Enrollment form, TECS will create an account in SCEILS for the person.  TECS will email the person with the SCEILS Website and his/her log in information.



BabyNet Basics is the online training course that must be completed by BabyNet personnel in order to obtain the S.C. Part C Credential.  BabyNet Basics takes about 3 hours to complete. The course, BabyNet Basics, is divided into 3 Lessons; Lesson 1: Introduction to BabyNet, Lesson 2: BabyNet Service Delivery System, and Lesson 3: Introduction to the IFSP.  Lesson 1 is the longest lesson, which consists of 3 smaller course units (BabyNet Beginnings, BabyNet System Components 1, and BabyNet System Components 2). At the end of each lesson, there is a 10-question test that must be successfully passed in order to complete the lesson.



After TECS receives the BabyNet Enrollment form, the enrollee’s email address will be added to the TECSINFO Listserv, which is a BabyNet requirement.  Items that are crucial for all BabyNet personnel will be marked “URGENT” or “IMPORTANT” at the beginning of the subject line.


SCEILS Training Confirmation

For All Users (“Learners”):
In order to determine if you have completed a training course, like BabyNet Basics, BRIDGES 101, and BRIDGES 102, log into SCEILS.  It will open on the “My Courses” page. When a training course is completed, you will see:
•    A green box with the word “Completed” in it.
•    The line on the far right of the screen will be green for the entire length of the line.
•    There will be a small ribbon icon on the screen in the same row as the course title.

If a course is NOT completed, you will not see the aforementioned indicators, and you will see the following items:
o    The line to the far right of the screen will be gray for some or all of the length of the line.
o    There may be Progress % of 33.33% or 66.67%.

Users can view, save, or print their certificates for completed courses. The user needs to click on the colored dot with their initials in it at the top right of the screen and then click “Account.”  Then, the user will need to click on the eye icon.  Once the certificate opens, the user can click the download arrow on the right side of the screen or click on the printer icon next to the download icon.  

For Supervisors and/or Agency Administrators (“Branch Administrators”):
Most supervisors and some agency administrators have Supervisor Access to SCEILS. If a user has Supervisor Access to SCEILS, first he/she will need click on the colored dot drop down arrow and choose the “Branch Administrator” account.  Then, he/she will click on the “Gradebook” icon (a person standing next to a paper).  This will bring a search box on the screen.  He/she will need to type in part of the employee’s name.  This will show the “Gradebook” for that specific user, listing all of the courses for which the user is enrolled at that time.  If a user has completed a course in SCEILS, you will see the following completed indicators.
•    The Status column will say “Completed”
•    The Score column will have a percentage listed.
•    The Progress column will say “100%”.
•    The Completed_on column will have a date in it.
•    The Certificate column will have a ribbon icon in it.

If the user has NOT completed the course, then the aforementioned items will not be there. Additionally, you may also see the following items.
o    The Incomplete Units column will have a number listed.
o    The Progress column will be less than 100% (such as 33%, 50% or 66.67%)

To go back to see another user, you can click the Back arrow at the top left side of the screen, or you can click on the word “Home.”

If the person does not have Supervisor Access and needs it, please contact  

For questions regarding this process, please submit a Help Desk Request (subject “SCEILS Supervisor Access).