School of Medicine Library
Fire Alarm Procedures
1. Use the nearest Pull-Down Alarm to notify the Fire Department.
2. If the fire is large or uncontrollable, leave the Library immediately via the closest (and safest) exit.
3. From a safe area, call 9-1-1 and give emergency personnel all necessary information:
FIRE DRILLS (If you do not see/smell smoke or see a fire, follow these procedures. DO NOT call Facilities Management to check if this is a drill!)
1. Evacuate the building, closing doors behind you.
2. Alert anyone else by knocking on doors as you depart, but do not delay your exit. Do NOT use the elevators. Disabled persons should be helped into the nearest stairwell. They should remain there with all fire doors closed until rescue personnel arrive.
3. Go to your designated area. Stay at least 100 feet from building.
4. Wait for authorities to arrive and provide them with any information they need or request.
Weekday Staff
Fire Monitor for Area out Back: Steve Wilson
Fire Monitor for Front Parking Lot: Sherry O’Cain
FIRST FLOOR will be cleared by Circulation Staff (under the direction of Sherry O’Cain). SECOND FLOOR will be cleared by Roz McConnaughy (backup: Steven Wilson).
THIRD FLOOR, including carrel area, will be cleared by PA Program staff
Students and other library patrons will be asked to leave the library immediately.
Designated Exit: All faculty and staff must take the nearest exit (either the front door of the library or the back workroom door.) Stay at least 100 feet from the building. The Fire Monitor for each designated area will take a roll call and communicate with the other Fire Monitor – with walkie talkies – to be sure everyone is accounted for. The logs will later be consolidated and given to Custodial & Safety Services.
Returning to the Building: The Fire Department or designated School of Medicine officials will give an “all clear” to return to the building.
February 14, 2022