Circulation Services

Library Hours

Fall 2024 Library hours

Saturday, August 3 - Sunday, August 25                                              8:00 am-5:00 pm (Monday-Friday)

                                                                                                                    1:00 pm-5:00 pm (Saturday)

                                                                                                                    1:00 pm-5:00 PM (Sunday)

Monday, August 26 - Sunday, September 1                                        8:00 am-5:00 pm (Monday-Friday)

Monday, September 2                                                                             LABOR DAY (not staffed)

Tuesday, September 3 – Wednesday, November 27                        8:00 am-5:00 pm (Monday-Friday)

Thursday, November 28 - Sunday, December 1                                THANKSGIVING (not staffed)

Monday, December 2 – Friday, December 13                                     8:00 am-5:00 pm (Monday-Friday)

Monday, December 16 – Monday, December 23                                8:00 am-4:30 pm (Monday-Friday)

Tuesday, December 24, 2024 – Monday, January 1, 2025               DECEMBER HOLIDAY (not staffed)


24/7 access available to all SOM students, faculty and staff.


The general public is welcome to use School of Medicine Library resources onsite.  Borrowing privileges (in-person checkout) are extended to the following individuals:

• School of Medicine faculty, students, and staff
• School of Medicine alumni
• USC faculty, students, and staff
• South Carolina healthcare providers (documentation required)
• Center for Disability Resources (CDR) professionals or family members (NOTE: only CDR materials may be checked out)
• Medical residents or fellows (documentation required)
• SOM Library Circle of Friends members

NOTE: Materials may be checked out using the following online Self-Checkout Form.  Items will not be mailed unless ordered through Interlibrary Loan (there is a charge for this service).                                                                                                                                                                         

Attorneys, law offices, and general S.C. residents are not permitted to borrow materials. However, they may request books through Interlibrary Loan.

Materials that may be borrowed:

JOURNALS - for one day (date-to-date). No journal issue circulates for the first 30 days after receipt unless it is not the most recent issue, as in the case of weeklies.

BOOKS and CONTINUATIONS - for six weeks for most library patrons.  School of Medicine faculty may check out books for 120 days.

RESERVE MATERIALS - overnight, from one hour before closing to one hour after opening the next day. Many of the required class textbooks are available online.  See the appropriate class subject guide.


A "HOLD" may be placed on materials that are checked out.

When the material is returned to the library, the person placing the request will be notified and the material will remain at the circulation desk for three days from the date of notification. If the material is not checked out during this time, it will be returned to the collection.

Reserve Materials

The purpose of placing materials on reserve is to ensure availability. Any faculty member of the School of Medicine may place material on reserve each semester for student use. This should be done at least two weeks before the material is to be made available. 

Lost or Damaged Materials

Borrowers are responsible for the cost of replacement of any lost or damaged item. A receipt will be given to the person paying a fine or the cost of lost material.

NOTE: Circulation policies apply equally to all users; privileges may be withdrawn upon failure to adhere to these policies.

Renew Materials

Journals, books, and continuations may be renewed if another person has not requested the material. Renewals are accepted by telephone (803-216-3200), in person, or by e-mail sent to

Students, Faculty and Staff users can login to Find It @ USC Libraries (Primo) using their USC Network logins (i.e. Blackboard). These users can follow the below steps to renew their checked out items. 

Renewing via Find It @ USC Libraries

1. Select Sign in on the Find It @ USC Libraries home page.

Select Sign in


2. Select USC Students, Faculty and Staff.

Select USC Students, Faculty, and Staff


3. Enter your University of South Carolina network username and password. (The same login you use for Blackboard.) Note: Your School of Medicine network credentials will not work with this system.

Enter your USC network username and password.














4. Click the drop-down menu next to your name then select My Loans.

Select My Loans


5. Select Renew next to the items you would like to renew.
