New Faculty Library Orientation Tutorial

This tutorial will introduce you to the library and our key resources. You can move through the tutorial sequentially or select individual modules to view. During the modules, you will be prompted to click links and type searches.

Tutorial Module Estimated time Transcript
Library Policies and Services 4 min. Transcript (MS Word)
Accessing Library E-Resources 2 min. Transcript (MS Word)
E-Journals 4 min. Transcript (MS Word)
Accessing Full Text in PubMed 3 min. Transcript (MS Word)
Accessing Full Text in Ovid MEDLINE 4 min.  
Creating Ovid AutoAlerts 5 min.  Transcript (MS Word)
Library Catalog 1 min.  
AccessMedicine 4 min. Transcript (MS Word)
ClinicalKey 3 min. Transcript (MS Word)
Databases 2 min. Transcript (MS Word)

Library Support for School of Medicine Faculty Handout (PDF)

Library Support for USC School of Medicine Clinical Faculty Handout (PDF)

Visit our Subject Guides, customized portals to library resources on specific topics, such as Pediatrics and Physiology.

If you have any questions or comments about this tutorial, please contact:
Roz McConnaughy, | 803-216-3220