by Steve Wilson on 2025-01-06T14:22:55-05:00 | 0 Comments
In addition to the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), the Library is pleased to announce that access to NEJM Evidence is now available. NEJM Evidence, a monthly, MEDLINE-indexed, peer-reviewed journal from NEJM Group, provides clinical investigators and physicians caring for patients with research and evidence that informs clinical decision-making and spotlights those key areas where more study is critical.
Unique content and features include:
Tomorrow’s Trial, a series of short pieces that highlight accepted practices lacking solid evidence and inviting clinician readers to propose clinical trials to fill those gaps.
Patient Platform, in which patients who have been in a clinical trial, part of a research study, or had their care impacted strongly by these, share their thoughts on their experience.
Stats, STAT!, a brief animated video explaining a fundamental statistical concept.