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Nurse Anesthesia: Students

This guide will help you locate and use anesthesia information resources from the School of Medicine Library, the USC University Libraries, and beyond.

Class Handouts

Research Class Handouts:

Identifying Highly Cited Articles

Web of Science

  • Run a search in Web of Science.
  • Sort results by Citations - highest first.


Google Scholar

  • Run a search in Google Scholar.
  • You can't sort by times cited, but you can see "Cited By" totals by each citation. 

Follow these steps to link to UofSC full text articles:
- Go to Google Scholar.
- Select the Menu icon (3 horizontal bars) in the upper left corner.
- Select Settings.
- Select Library links.
- Search for UofSC then select the checkbox for UofSC University Libraries - ViewIt@UofSC.
- Click Save.

After you run a search in Google Scholar, look for links on the right sidebar for ViewIt@UofSC.


PubMed Tips

1. Although PubMed is freely available, use the Library's customized link to search PubMed and access full text articles.

2. After you run a search, check the Search Details on the Advanced Search screen to see how PubMed translated your search. Look for your keywords being mapped to MeSH terms. A combination of MeSH and keyword search terms will result in the most recent results.

3. Be aware that phrase searching in PubMed (using quotes around more than one word, such as "postoperative nausea and vomiting") will turn off the auto-mapping to MeSH terms.

4. Use the MeSH database to identify search terms and apply subheadings to a search term. When you search the MeSH database, only search one concept at a time.

5. Use the Advanced link to combine your searches.

6. Apply filters to focus your search results. For example, you can apply article type filters, such as systematic reviews, meta-analysis, and randomized controlled trial to narrow your results.

7. Avoid the "free full text" and "full text" filters under "Text availability." These filters may exclude some of the journals you have access to via USC.

8. When you find one good article, click the Similar articles link below to see other potentially relevant citations.

9. Use Clinical Queries to narrow your search results to clinical question categories, such as therapy, diagnosis, etc.

10. Email or save specific citations by selecting the checkbox for the citation, then select the "Email" or the "Send to" box below the search box to see the available options.  

11. Use the Single Citation Matcher to quickly find a specific article you are looking for.



REDCap is a self-service tool available for surveys as well as data acquisition, capture, and management, and is provided to all USC students, staff, and faculty. The survey tool allows for various survey scenarios, including conditional logic, data uploads, and advanced formatting. All data are stored on a secure server and can be exported to formats useful to researchers for statistical analysis.

Visit the REDCap videos page to learn how to use REDCap.

Literature Review

Critical Appraisal