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Center for Disability Resources (CDR) Library

CDR Library, School of Medicine Library, University of South Carolina

Subject List of Materials

Below are general topics representing the types of materials available at the library. To look for the most recent items added to the collection, be sure to search the CDR Library Catalog.  We are now happy to offer our materials nationwide! Anyone in the fifty states may now check out items.

  • Abuse Resources
  • Aging Resources
  • Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Resources
  • Asperger Syndrome Resources
  • Autism Resources
  • Blindness and Low Vision Resources
  • Books for Kids
  • Brain Injury Resources
  • Cerebral Palsy Resources
  • Deafness and Hearing impairment Resources
  • Disability Awareness Resources
  • Down Syndrome Resources
  • Early Intervention Resources
  • Early Intervention Audiovisual Resources
  • Epilepsy Resources
  • Father Resources
  • Food Resources
  • Grief and Coping Resources
  • IEP Resources
  • ITV Video Sessions
  • Inclusion Resources
  • Independent Living Skills Resources
  • Mood Disorders
  • Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Resources
  • Movies
  • Natural Supports Resources
  • Person-Centered Planning Resources
  • Play Resources
  • Recreation Resources
  • Self-Advocacy and Self-Determination Resources
  • Sensory Integration Resources
  • Sexual Education Resources
  • Sibling Resources
  • Social Skills Resources
  • South Carolina's Transition Clearinghouse Catalog 
  • Supported Employment Resources
  • Tourette Syndrome