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Quality Improvement Education and Systems Training (QUEST): Home


QUEST logo

The QUEST program offers experiential learning in quality improvement methods by pairing health science students with faculty mentors and teams at Prisma Health - Midlands. Participants also have the chance to develop a QI project for USC’s Discover Day.

There have been over 100 participants since we began in 2017 with 50+ posters at the local, regional, and national level!


Applications are now open for 2024-25.



Mentors Past and Present

Mentor Profession
Divya Ahuja Medicine
Rodney Alan Medicine
Tim Averch Medicine
Pamela Bailey Medicine
Melanie Blackburn Medicine
James Cook Medicine
Rebekah Crandall Pharmacy
Jack DePriest Medicine
Chris Gainey Medicine
Rebecca Huggins Pharmacy
Julie Justo Pharmacy
Lindsey Karavites Medicine
Cindy Merrow Nursing
Julie Murray Nursing
Manoj Nepal Medicine
Lara Peck Public Health
Adam Pizutti Pharmacy
Phillip Prest Medicine
Morgan Rhodes Pharmacy
Emily Ridley Pharmacy
Mark Shaffer Medicine
Stephanie Shealy Pharmacy
Jennifer Swindler Pharmacy


Student Research Award

Hannah Castles took her work in antimicrobial stewardship to SC ACP and won first place in the student research category and best student overall. She will be sponsored to go to the national ACP conference this April. Congratulations, Hannah! 

Hannah Castles receiving award


Project Timeline

October Kickoff Meeting

Integrate with QI teams and orient to their work


Complete patient shadowing process relevant to QI team’s work

January Prepare and begin QI projects

Active participation with QI project, begin abstract

March Complete poster, register for Discover Day
April Presentation and seek coaching if needed

Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) Cycle

PDSA logo

The Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle was published by W. Edwards Deming in The New Economics for Industry, Government, and Education Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press; 2000.


Portions of this Subject Guide have been copied, with permission, from the following institutions: