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APA Citation Style Guide (6th Ed.): Newspaper Article

This guide contains examples of common citation formats in APA (American Psychological Association) Style

Newspaper Article

(pp. 200-201)
Helpful Tips
  • Precede page numbers with p. for a single page or pp. for multiple pages.
  • If an article appears on discontinuous pages provide all the page numbers separated by commas: pp. B1, B3, B5-B7. 
 General Format 
      In-Text Citation (Paraphrase): 
      (Author Surname, Year)
      In-Text Citation (Quotation):
      (Author Surname, Year, page number)
      Author Surname, First Initial. Second Initial. (Year, Month Day). Article title: Subtitle. 
            Newspaper Title, page range. Retrieved from URL [if viewed online]  
Example 1
      In-Text Citation (Paraphrase): 
      (Wingfield, 1998)
      In-Text Citation (Quotation):
      (Wingfield, 1998, p. B6)
      Wingfield, N. (1998, June 18). Unraveling the mysteries inside web pages:
            Shoppers' minds. The Wall Street Journal, pp. B6, B9.
Example 2
      In-Text Citation (Paraphrase):
      (Chang, 2010)
      In-Text Citation (Quotation):
      (Chang, 2010)
      Chang, K. (2010, January 25). Engineers plot the future of a hobbled Mars Rover.
            The New York Times. Retrieved from