
Library Orientation Tutorials

M-I Orientation Tutorial 2024. School of Medicine Library. (Revised 6/24)
New Faculty Library Orientation. School of Medicine Library. (Revised 10/22)
Nurse Anesthesia Orientation Tutorial 2024. School of Medicine Library. (5/24)


Using the Library Tutorials

• Accessing E-Journals. School of Medicine Library. (Revised 7/20) Transcript (MS Word)
• Accessing Library E-Resources. School of Medicine Library. (5/22) Transcript (MS Word)
• Answering Clinical Questions: Choosing an Evidence-Based Resource. School of Medicine Library.
• Center for Disability Resources (CDR) Library Tutorial. School of Medicine Library. (Revised 9/20) Transcript (MS Word)
• Find It @ USC Libraries Videos
• Using the InfoAble Portal Tutorial. School of Medicine Library. (Revised 9/20) Transcript (MS Word)
         Handout (PDF) 
• Tips for Effective Literature Searching in the Health Sciences Handout. (PDF) School of Medicine Library. (8/13)