

AccessMedicine Tutorial. School of Medicine Library. (Revised 6/23) Transcript (MS Word)

AccessMedicine LibGuide. In depth look at how to navigate AccessMedicine and an overview of the content available.

AccessMedicine Videos. McGraw Hill Medical.


Adding ClinicalKey Images to PowerPoint. School of Medicine Library. (10/21)
        Handout (MS Word)
• ClinicalKey Videos. Elsevier. 

Cochrane Library


• Using DXplain. Massachusetts General Hospital.


• EBSCO tutorial. This tutorial demonstrates the features of DynaMedex, including how to search for and follow topics as well as browse for Micromedex drug information.

Essential Science Indicators

Google Scholar

Has this article been cited? (Searching Google Scholar). School of Medicine Library. Transcript (Word) (Revised 1/21)

Follow these steps to link to USC full text articles in Google Scholar:

- Go to the Google Scholar homepage.
- Select the Menu icon (3 horizontal bars) in the upper left corner.
- Select Settings.
- Select Library links.
- Search for University of South Carolina then select the checkbox for USC University Libraries - ViewIt@USC.
- Click Save.

After you run a search in Google Scholar, look for links on the right sidebar for ViewIt@USC.

Journal Citation Reports


• Micromedex. School of Medicine Library. (Revised 1/20) Transcript (MS Word)
• Micromedex training. IBM. (Registration required to view tutorials.)

R2 Library

R2 Library Tutorial. School of Medicine Library. (Revised 1/20) Transcript (MS Word)

Web of Science

• What is a cited reference search? Clarivate Analytics.
• How to do a cited reference search Clarivate Analytics.        
Web of Science training videos. Clarivate's YouTube playlist.
• Web of Science Platform: Training Resources. Clarivate.