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MLA Citation Style Guide: Journal Article from an Online Periodical

This guide contains examples of common citation formats in MLA (Modern Language Association) Style

Journal Article from an Online Periodical (p.190-192)

Hint: If the page range of the article isn't provided, use "n.pag." instead and refer to the paragraph number (par. #) in the parenthetical citation.
General Format 
      Parenthetical Citation: 
      (Author Surname page number or paragraph number)
      Works Cited:
      Author Surname, First Name. “Article Title: Subtitle.” Journal Title volume.issue (Year):
            page range. Medium. Date of Access [Day Month Year].
Example 1 (using paragraph number)
      Parenthetical Citation:
      (Thanouli pars. 17-20)
      Works Cited:
      Thanouli, Eleftheria.  “’Art Cinema’ Narration: Breaking Down a Wayward Paradigm.”
            Scope : an Online Journal of Film Studies 14 (2009): n. pag. Web. 27 Aug. 2009.
Example 2 (more than three authors)
      Parenthetical Citation:
      (Denman et al. 100)
      Works Cited:
      Scott, H. Denman, et al. “Physicians Helping the Underserved: The Reach Out
            Program.” JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association 283.1 (2000):
            99-104. Web. 27 Aug. 2009.