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MLA Citation Style Guide: Newspaper Article

This guide contains examples of common citation formats in MLA (Modern Language Association) Style

Newspaper Article (p.141-142)

General Format 
      Parenthetical Citation: 
      (Author Surname page number)
      Works Cited:
      Author Surname, First Name. “Article Title: Subtitle.” Newspaper Title Publication Date
            [Day Month Year], edition, section: page range. Medium.
Example 1
      Parenthetical Citation:
      (Lohr C1)
      Works Cited:
      Lohr, Steve. “Fighting the Idea That All the Internet Is Free.” New York Times 9 Sept.
            2003, late ed.: C1+.  Print.
Example 2 (Article from a Named Newspaper Section)
      Parenthetical Citation:
      (Rafferty 18)
      Works Cited:
      Rafferty, Terrence. “What're You Staring At?” New York Times 16 Nov. 2008,
            late ed., Arts and Leisure sec.: 18+. Print.
Example 3 (Article from a Local, not National, Newspaper)
      Parenthetical Citation:
      (Wielaard A2)
      Works Cited:
      Wielaard, Robert. “EU to Query Iran.” Post Journal [Jamestown, NY] 26 Aug.
            2006: A2. Print.