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MLA Citation Style Guide: Multivolume Work

This guide contains examples of common citation formats in MLA (Modern Language Association) Style

Multivolume Work (p.168)

If you are using more than one volume of a multivolume work, e.g. an encyclopedia, cite the total number of volumes in the work. You do not need to include page numbers in your citation as you will include the volume and page numbers in your parenthetical reference.  If you are using a single volume, cite the number of the volume and page numbers in your citation and the parenthetical reference need only include the page number not volume.

 General Format
      (If using more than one volume)
      Parenthetical Citation:      
      (Editor Surname volume number:pages)
      Works Cited:
      Editor Surname, First Name, ed. Book Title: Subtitle. Edition [if available]. Volumes.

               Place of Publication: Publisher, Year. Medium.
         (If using one volume) 
      Parenthetical Citation:     
      (Editor Surname page)

      Works Cited: 
      Editor Surname, First Name, ed. Book Title: Subtitle. Edition [if available]. Vol.

               Number. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year. Page Numbers. Medium.

   Example 1 (using more than one volume)

         Parenthetical Citation  
        (Courthope 1:120-21)

        Works Cited:
        Courthope, W. J. History of English Poetry. 6 vols. London:McMillan and Co., 1906.

    Example 2 (using only one volume)
     Parenthetical Citation: 
      (Courthope 327)
      Works Cited:
       Courthope, W. J. History of English Poetry. Vol. 4. London:McMillan and Co., 1906.
                304-347. Print.